Human Reproductive Ferility and Family Planning

EL. Yong, FRCOG, Ph.D
As one of Indonesia’s Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia put spearheading research to improve its ranking in the world so that it can be one solution to problems of the nation and state in Indonesia in the field of health. To achieve this, transdisciplinary collaboration undertaken in the field of health as stated in The 1st Annual International Conference and Exhibition Indonesian Medical Education and Research Institute (ICE on IMERI). ICE on IMERI is an activity that provides exposure of the research and a research topic that is a trend in the world by integrating all the disciplines that support health. In addition, the project was to provide ideas / input to increase research conducive atmosphere among academicians UI. ICE on IMERI aims to improve health and provide a forum to share the findings of the study in terms of health and medicine. In addition, the conference also aims to provide an opportunity of meeting colleagues who work in the same area so as to strengthen relations and professional collaboration.


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