Category: Video

Re-visiting data Rich Dynamical Downscaling Simulations | Shie Yui Liong

A Study on the Preparation for and Management of Disaster | Eli Paolo

Coastal Cities and built environment in response to climate change | Abimanyu T Alamsyah

Climate Change and sustainable agriculture for coastal areas | Hasroel Thayib

Climate Mitigation and Urban Growth Management in Jakarta | Aisa Tobing

5B 15 Agus Sediadi

Sustainable Development Strategies of Integrated River Basin | Arif Budi Purwanto

Mitra Bahari: Its contribution to address the impacts of climate change | M. Fedi A. Sondita

Climate risk assessment for ports and connected infrastructure | Ron.J. Cox

Technical procedures for the study of sponges and cnidarians | Heard Runtuwene

Sea-Level rise: Implications For Coastal Water Resources In Indonesian Islands | Soekisno

Modeling Climate Change and Its Impact Over Borneo Region | A.S. Husain

Health vurnerability to vector-borne diseases in response to climate change | Budi Haryanto

Settlement pattern of salt farmers as a response to the impact.. | Miftahul Huda